Cambridge Stone Carver
Sue Pearl

About Sue.
I was born and brought up in London and came to Cambridge when I was 18, where I trained as a French and English teacher at Homerton College.
After teaching in India and Pakistan in 1968 and 1969, I returned to Cambridge to bring up my three sons. In 1976 we lived in Singapore and travelled with our three small sons around Malaysia.
On our return, I worked from 1978 until 1995 with minority ethnic and refugee families for the Cambridgeshire County Council Education Department.
In 1996 I changed direction in life and started teaching English as a Foreign Language in private language schools.
It was at this point that I began stone-carving after being fired up by a visit to Zimbabwe in 1996, where I encountered Shona stone-carvers creating beautiful and moving three dimensional images.
Since that time stone-carving has become an integral and absorbing part of my life.
I work in Verdite, Alabaster, Soapstone, Marble, Polyphant, Springstone, Honeycomb Calcite and Limestone. What I love about carving is the vital surge of energy I feel when my ideas find expression within the stone. Expressing my feelings is what motivates me to continue with a piece of carving.